The Call for papers is now ready

Key Dates

Registration will be opened on August 1, 2024. Together with preliminary program information, synopsis and paper templates will be available on the webpage.

March 18, 2024             Call for papers                

August 1, 2024              Registration starts

September 12, 2024   Deadline for Synopses in ConfTool    

October 7, 2024          Selection of synopses by SCs and information to authors

February 3, 2025        Deadline for full papers

March 3, 2025             Acceptance and other feedback to authors of full papers

April 7, 2025                 Final papers to ConfTool


Symposium Steering Committee

Chair                                       Rannveig S. J. Løken

Technical Council Chair    Marcio Szechtman

Secretary General               Philippe Adam

Organising Committee (NRCC):

Chair NO                       Rannveig S. J. Løken

Member FI                    Liisa Haarla

Member SE                   Bo Westman

Member DK                  Claus Leth Bak

Member EE                   Ivo Palu

Technical Co-Chair   Marta Val Escudero

Technical Co-Chair   Geir Clasen
